The Boss, or “El Jefe”, is the one who is in charge and most
importantly, the one who is responsible for whatever show he is running.
Whether it’s success or failure, the Boss is the leader who takes the praises
or takes the fall. How many of us train like a Boss when it comes to exercise,
diet/nutrition, and overall health? To keep things simple, let’s stick with
just exercise. Training like a Boss in the gym isn’t about how much weight
you’re lifting, or how intense, or even how loud you can grunt during a set.
Training like a Boss is taking full Responsibility for every exercise, every
rep, every set, every workout, and being accountable for the results, good or
bad. Training like a Boss is knowing what you can and cannot control when
working out. You can control your awareness of your technique/form, which
exercises, how much resistance, how many reps/sets, what kind of tempos, how
much rest in between, as well as how much is enough. What you cannot control is
the behavior of others in the gym or what they think of you. A Boss isn’t
easily distracted from the task at hand. A Boss gets it done. A Boss learns
from his mistakes, regroups, and gets back on his feet again. A Boss knows what
he’s capable of and yet understands he’s only scratched the surface of his
Potential. A Boss is bold enough to explore untamed areas and has the only
expectation of expecting the unexpected. A Boss has a systems analysis which is
constantly checking and rechecking for constant improvement (kaizen). A Boss is
never alone and does his research with the help of others. A Boss has coaches
as well as coaches others since he understands the interdependence of it All.
So the next time you go to the gym, be the Boss. Be the Boss
of You….
Whatever you do, pay Attention. Assess and reassess and
apply what was learned. Own your thoughts. Own your actions. Have goals and
work towards them. So what if others in the gym are watching you? You the Boss,
so show them the Way….